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Wonderlust is a fictional responsive website that aims to assist travelers of all ages in finding rental homes and apartments. The objective is to create a simple and minimalist website that makes it easy for users to discover affordable deals, as affordability is a key consideration for many travelers.


UX designer designing a responsive website for Wonderlust from conception to delivery.


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.



Project goal and target audience

Wonderlust is a simple and minimalistic website designed for budget-conscious travellers, enabling them to effortlessly find good, economical deals for rental rooms and apartments.

Key challenges or constraints

The key challenges faced by Wonderlust include the lack of price guidance on rental property websites, making it challenging for travelers to find affordable options, and the chaotic user experience caused by cluttered and overwhelming interfaces with an abundance of photos, texts, and features.​

Research study details

Interviews that conducted with five participants, revealed that working adults who rent rooms or apartments expressed a desire for clearer price guidance and a streamlined, less cluttered user experience on rental accommodation websites.​

Initial design concepts 


By dedicating time to sketching multiple versions of each app screen on paper, I ensured that the final digital wireframes effectively addressed user pain points

early paper prototype

Wireframes and User testing results

User feedback and research insights guided the design phase, prioritising simplicity and clear price guidance to address the key user needs of a simpler interface and finding the best prices for rental properties.

prototype on figma

Mobile and Website version

Navigating between the mobile and desktop realms of app development, I intricately design interfaces that seamlessly adapt to diverse screens. Balancing the nuances of touch and click interactions, I ensure a unified user experience that resonates effortlessly whether on a smartphone or a desktop monitor.

mock ups


Website available in multiple languages

Colors and contrast that passed the acceccibility test

Use of icons and explanatory texts for screen readers

High fidelity prototype

Conclusions and next steps

In conclusion, participants in the usability study found the website to be highly user-friendly, particularly praising the inclusion of the low price calendar. Their positive feedback reinforced the value of conducting usability studies and interviews, which allowed for the identification of issues and solutions that may have been overlooked otherwise. Moving forward, the next steps for the project involve conducting another usability study to assess the readiness of the prototype for delivery to engineers. Additionally, seeking feedback from other designers and further enhancing design skills through tutorials is desired to achieve a more stylish and professional look. The design process has highlighted the importance of user-centric approaches and continuous learning to drive improvement and deliver a refined product.

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